It is time for the People to take back control of the Government. Little by little, the Government is taking away the Freedom and Liberty protected by the Constitution. But the Constitution is just another piece of paper. The People must stand up for their Rights and Liberties.The Government is taking away Privacy Rights for supposed security reasons. Yet our Privacy Rights are security issues that the Government is supposed to protect. In this sense, the Government is completing the agenda of the enemies of Freedom and Liberty. The Government then becomes the Terrorist. Freedom and Liberty cannot be supported by a Government that takes away Freedom and Liberty.
There is no way the National Debt will ever be paid. During the Obama years, the Government has been on the verge of shut-down. As a result, Congress had to raise the debt ceiling several times, to borrow money to kept the Government operational. The revenue from Taxes is not even enough to pay for the Government's operating expenses. Each time a budget is approved, the budget is larger than revenue from Taxes.THE CREDIT DEBT ECONOMY
Now the Republican idea to reduce taxes will put the Government into more debt. But the Democrats want to increase Government spending which will result in more taxes, and yet the Government goes even further into debt.
The idea of reducing taxes expects that there will be more money for the private sector to spend, and thus, the economy will have more cash flow. But any cash flow is immediately sucked out of the economy by Big Business and the Wealthy Class. The Rich are getting Richer.
And the money People have to spend does not meet their current needs. So the People have to rely on credit and go further into debt just to pay for day-to-day expenses.
During the Obama years, the Federal Reserve has reduced its interest rate to almost zero. As a result, Banks can get money cheap and pay even less interest on savings deposits. This was a move to force People with savings to put their money into Wall Street stock investments. So the Obama years show a false come-back in the economy.
During the Obama years, the EPA has attacked carbon emissions energy use. This increase in costs has caused coal to be expensive. Companies are going bankrupt, and People are losing jobs. The result for the economy is much less money being spent, and more debt being discharged in bankruptcy.
While drilling for oil cranked-up, the resulting supply and demand issues caused oil prices to drop significantly. But with low gas prices, driving increased, there was more money to spend in the economy, and new car and truck sales went up. But Obama's war on supposed Global Warming wants to punish oil production with an increased penalty tax, and a significant increase in the cost of gas. This wipes out any economic benefit, and punishes oil production.The Republican support of Big Business has allowed U.S. Manufactures to move jobs to foreign countries where labor costs are very low. The supposed benefit is reduced costs for goods re-introduced into the United States' economy. But in actuality, the benefit is more profits for Big Business, and now these Big Businesses do not have to pay income taxes on foreign based manufacturing, and the foreign labor also do not pay income taxes to the United States. The Industrial America is being shipped out of the United States.
It is Big Business and the Wealthy Class that lobby Congress and donate large amounts of money to Political Campaigns and Super PACS. The Government is run by the Rich Wealthy Class and Big Business. When the United States collapses, the few Wealthy Persons will run Government exclusively, acting as Tyrants.
It is time for the People to take back control of the Government, before it is too late.